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Top 10 Surprising Beauty uses of Coconut Oil

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Let’s face it. Coconut oil is here to stay. With it’s proven record, it’s become a veritable fountain of youth for those who know its mysteries.  But like many subjects enshrouded in mystery, coconut oil continues to cause controversy because of the immense benefits it gives its devotees.

After all, with so many makeup companies being exposed as producing carcinogenic chemicals in their brands and polluting the environment with the same microbeads that comprise their facepaint, it’s no wonder why coconut oil is continuing to rise in popularity.

But as CCL has not shied away from controversy, we are ready to take on Big Makeup head to head. After all, what’s important than your body, beauty, and planet?

So let’s check out the best beauty secrets of the peoples of the tropics in these

Top 10 surprising beauty uses of Coconut Oil:

1. Teeth Whitener

Whiten your teeth
Whiten your teeth with coconut oil

Unsurprisingly, this must be the best little-known use of coconut oil. Add a little food safe peppermint essential oil with a high-quality coconut oil. Do an oil pull for whiter teeth and ambrosial breath. To get those sparkling pearly whites, swish with the oil for 10-20 minutes each morning.

2. Hair Mask

Hair mask
You can use coconut oil as a hair mask

The next time you’re in the bath, don’t forget your coconut oil! Just warm it up and put oil directly in your hair. We guarantee your hair will feel so soft you won’t be able to stop touching it the next day!

3. Makeup Remover

remove makeup
You can remove makeup with coconut oil

Mascara can be quite stubborn after a long day at work. But coconut oil works like magic, removing all sorts of makeup. The oil can be applied directly to get the remaining gunk off, or using just use a cotton pad and swab away. Massage the oil in and wait for it to effortlessly remove whatever doesn’t belong.

4. Skin Moisturizer

skin moisturizer
You can use coconut oil as a skin moisturizer

Ever wanted that baby-like soft skin? Then coconut oil should be your secret formula to achieve this. After a hot shower, massage it  on your skin and let it be fully absorbed. Make this a daily routine for better results.

5. Anti-Aging Cream

coconut oil for anti-aging cream
Coconut oil acts as a great anti-aging cream

We all wish we could never grow old, but we will eventually whether you are good buddies with Father Time or not. Coconut oil has been scientifically proven to promote production of collagen, which aids in minimizing appearance of wrinkles. For soft and youthful skin, apply the oil straight on your skin, or take a spoonful internally in the evening to give your metabolism a little extra help.

6. Highlighter

coconut oil for natural highlighting
Use coconut oil as a natural highlighting makeup

For parts of your body that you wish to highlight, such as collarbones, apply coconut oil and you’ll be sure to get results. It will also help in lightening up the shadowed parts of your body, such as your eyes above the eye lashes.

7. Body Scrub

coconut oil in body scrub
Use coconut oil with brown sugar for a body scrub

Coconut oil is a natural exfoliant that makes skin look soft and supple by removing dead cells. This is easy to do when you mix real brown sugar or ground coffee  with this natural oil and rub the mix gently on your skin.

8. Hair De-Frizzer

coconut oil for frizzy hair
Got frizzy hair? Loosen it up with coconut oil!

To keep your frizzy areas smooth and silky, warm your coconut oil and apply 3 drop on your palm and massage gently on the desired parts of your body. Concentrate on split ends to obtain better results.

9. Shaving Cream

use coconut oil to shave your legs
You can shave your legs with coconut oil!

This is a really interesting use: Coconut oil actually sticks to your body MORE compared to shaving creams. Apply it on the regions you want to shave, and you will not only have a better shaving experience, but also softer, more supple skin.

10. Sunscreen

use coconut oil to protect against uv rays as a sunscreen
You can use coconut oil as a sunscreen

This must be one of the most surprising beauty uses of this magical oil. Coconut oil contains natural SPF to block UV rays and is also believed to soothe and moisturize your skin in case of a sunburn.

Well, there you go! Of course the best part about good this natural oil is that you not only can use it for looking beautiful, you can use it for much more!

That’s why we teamed up with celebrity doctors Dr Patrick and Paul Baker to give you Coconut Oil Secrets for Health & Beauty, yours FREE with any purchase of CCL’s coconut oil on

And we’re so sure that you’ll be happy with our five-star rated coconut oil, that  you can keep this amazing e-book from the best selling author as part of our guarantee, just for checking us out, like these customers:

This is amazing stuff. Helps with skin problems like diaper rash & even adult rash from skin being moist and chaffing. Put it on your face to help minimize wrinkles. Also great for dental/oral health. It promotes weight loss and boosts metabolism. So amazing! Love it!

coconut oil testimonial 1

I have been using this coconut oil as a skin product and spent a fortune over the years on my skin. I cannot tell you how awesome my skin feels. It’s amazing! It truly is baby soft, and my face! I have finally found something I am not paying a fortune for, in order to keep my skin in great shape.

testimonial 2 must try coconut oil

This is a holy grail item. Could not understand why after buying 100% virgin coconut oil from Walgreens resulted in breakouts all over my face. Also wasn’t moisturizing as body oil. THEN I read that the best coconut oil comes in glass, not plastic jars. This is coconut oil is what you want. Superior moisturizing benefits. I use it all over my body, especially my hands. Use it in my hair at night before washing. Use it on my super dry lips. My lips feel so smooth. Love it! Use it every night all over my face. Have not had any breakouts. It’s super oily but I love how smooth my skin feels. Hands will stay moisturized.  I’m finally content not looking for body lotions and face moisturizer. Coconut oil is my beauty secret. Coconut Country Living coconut oil is truly the best.

testimonial for the best coconut oil

So don’t miss out on all the amazing coconut oil can do for you. Not only will you be bring out the best in you, you’ll also do the whole planet a favor by not contributing to plastic pollution or those toxic makeup chemicals that end up in your body or the environment.

Take advantage of this special offer by clicking on the link below or just search Amazon for virgin coconut oil for hair and replace a whole vanity worth of beauty products for this proven hero of beauty.

And don’t forget your friends who are looking for health hacks this holiday season. Many of our customers go crazy for these little gifts of luxury when they think about their friends.

Have any healthy tips or top beauty uses you’d like to share with us about Coconut oil?

Please share for a more beautiful planet and a comment below, and we’ll see you in Coconut Country!

Best-Price got Coconut oil on Amazon

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DISCLAIMER: The entire content of this website is based upon the opinions of representatives of Coconut Country Living, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace solid advice of a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Mr DiSalvo and other health advocates. Coconut Country Living encourages you to make your own healthcare decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on any content presented.

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